Friday, May 25, 2012

Not so Thai Noodles

In My overloaded pantry, what tumbles out is packet of linguine and to me, a sign Cosmo prediction on what Geet should cook today? Oh! Never mind pasta,….so shall be it!!
Well so what else I have in my refrigerator: celery, carrots and zucchini. I also have Thai red curry paste and coconut milk. Trust me it helps if you store curry paste of any kind Thai, Indian or any Timbuktu paste.  So How about making Thai or not so Thai Pasta? Recipe follows.

1 cup of cut vegetables : carrots celery, broccoli or zucchini
Thai curry paste , about 2  ½ Tbsp
Coconut milk ¼ of a cup ,and ¼ of 2% milk ¼ cup water
Sesame oil ( or nay veg oil would do)
Garlic, ginger paste, about 1 tsp
Soy sauce, 2 tbsp
Fresh coriander leaves
1 tbsp of fresh lime
Red pepper flakes ½ tsp ( adjust to your taste)
Half a box of Linguine ( Boil till el dente drain and  keep it aside)

In a wok, pour 2 Tbsp sesame oil, add garlic ginger paste and rest of vegetables. Stir fry for few minutes,. Add soy sauce, coriander leaves, red pepper flakes, Coconut milk ¼ of a cup ,and ¼ of 2% milk ¼ cup water, salt and curry paste. Let mixture cook for 10 minutes.  Add cooked pasta, Mix with lime juice and serve hot.
Need protein..why not add boiled egg while cut in strips on top of this dish!
 OR add boneless chicken cubed and fried with garlic ginger before you add vegetables.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Healthy Chicken Noodle soup.

I believe homemade chicken soup and bubble baths are cure for just about anything. In our mundane life style, I believe in the power of cooking uplifts spirits and bring everyone a step closer to the kitchen and closer to me.  Here is my version of Chicken Noodle soup.

  • 3 tablespoon oil
  • 1 medium size onion (chopped)
  • 1 cup  carrots (chopped)
  • 1 stalk celery (chopped)
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 1 bay leaf
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • Few cloves
  • 4 to 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 1tbsp of ginger finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp Oregano, ½ tsp basil,  ¼ of a bunch, fresh parsley.
  • Salt and paprika to taste
  • (Optional spices garam masala, green chilies)
  • a pound of boneless or chicken breast( trim fat and discard  (or keep just few ) bones .) I usually cook boneless. I also do not add stock as there is enough meat to make its own stock. Why use extra sodium!
  • Noodles for the soup: I usually boil noodles separately drain and keep it ready to serve along with a soup. Just another tip to avoid extra starch. Do not dump LEAVE pre cooked macaroni in the soup( or may be any pasta). They drink soup and turn into real fat noodles with no broth left behind. Been there done that.
In a pot pour oil, add Onions, garlic, ginger , bay leaf, cloves. Fry for  for ½ minute,  add cut cubed  boneless ( or with bones) chicken . Stir them well. Now add all the spices, parsley, basil oregano, paprika, salt. Stir fry them in high heat. After 5 minutes, add chopped vegetables. Stir for another 5 minutes on high. Its ok if chicken sticks to the bottom of the pan, scrape the bottom of the pan, this way soup is more flavorful.  Add 5 to 6 cups of water. Let it boil and then simmer for an hour and a half. Cook Noodles on the side.  Serve it with steaming chicken noodle soup and experience Nirvana.